Alright I've sat through Spidermen, Pirates, unfunny green ogres with Scottish accents, talking transforming robots, and John McClane, finally we get to the good stuff. For every summer there is at least one movie that comes around that gets my mouth watering. Last year it was "Superman Returns", the year before that it was "Star Wars: Episode 3", this years it's "The Simpsons Movie." It's the kind of movie that critics be damned I'm going to see opening night. I won't read any reviews of the film before hand and come in with an open mind. Even if the film isn't all that good I will still defend it to my dying day and tell everyone I know that they have to see it. For me it's part nostalgia (I was the exact same age Bart is when the show premiered) and part super fan (I have all nine seasons released on DVD, not to mention the game board Simpson's Clue, a trivia game, a poster, and Bart Simpson's Guide to Life") I admit I don't watch many of the new shows on television anymore that are supposed to be good like "The Office" or "30 Rock". Mostly because my life is too busy right now, but I always find time for "The Simpsons". Even though their time as pop culture icons has dimmed in past years, they still remain relevant and clever. And despite newer animated shows like the uninspiring "Family Guy" (Which holds a never ending debt to "The Simpsons") no one has created a perfect balance of insanity and pathos in their shows. As in the early shows that dealt with real family problems like Homer trying to find money for Christmas or Lisa falling for her substitute teacher, it was an emotional ride unseen in animation. But they were still able to find episodes that were full of inspired insanity like the classic monorail episode which also showed why the world is a little sadder without comic genius Phil Hartman. There's also when the town builds a casino, or when Homer meets his enemy Frank Grimes, and remember Whacking Day?
I love "The Simpsons" and I know if the movie isn't any good that doesn't mean the show is any less brilliant. I think "The Simpsons" is probably the best show I've had the privilege to watch and I hope it stays with us for years to come.
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