Much like Bergman I'm afraid I have not delved into Antonioni's work, for him I even say it is far less. I was watching late night one night on Turner Classic Movies (The one network I cannot live without) and they were showing "Blow-Up". I went into to the movie knowing Antonioni's name and knowing this was on Roger Ebert's great movies list (Although I had not read his essay on the film). I went into the film knowing nothing which I think is the best way to view a movie. What was with the mimes playing tennis at the end? I don't know, but I loved the movie, I was addicted to it, I couldn't stop watching it. I can't say I understood all of the movie or what it was conveying in the end, but I was stimulated by it, I felt passionate about film which happens when I watch a stimulating movie. Sadly this was the only time I've ever experience an Antonioni film, that was last October. I guess I shouldn't say anything about the man since I don't know the bulk of his work, the same should be said about Bergman, but they are men that are discussed who have made films that can be dissected and examined. I hope to see more of these men's work as they become available to me and I hope to discuss them with the same admiration I hold other film makers like Ozu, Capra, Truffaut, Spielberg, and Ford.
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