Lay off! That's what I got to say to all those "so-called" real news stations who are going over and over on why Lindsay Lohan is in trouble again. I suppose we all have our own view of Lindsay Lohan. What gets me is when we have places like CNN talking over and over Lindsay this and Lindsay that. If you didn't know already Lindsay Lohan was arrested again over a DUI charge again. News shows I despise like CNN's Entertainment Tonight carbon copy "Showbiz Tonight" is showing ways Lohan needs to be helped, but what they really are doing is exploiting her. By calling her a train wreck is not helping her. They aren't even encouraging in anyway. If Lindsay Lohan were to disappear so would their story, so stop trying to sound like you're sincere when it comes to Lohan's well-being. Then there's Nancy Grace you know that hard-nosed former prosecutor who must've gotten tired of exploiting suicidal wrestlers who kill their own family.
Is it any wonder this girl has problems. If Marilyn Monroe had to go through Nancy Grace, "Showbiz Tonight" and TMZ back when she was alive, she might've killed herself earlier. These people who try to blame a star like Lohan for being spoiled and rich is doing just as much damage by not understanding that this is a 21 year old girl. By the sound of it she doesn't have that great of personal life with her family, she has gone to rehab and whether or not she took that seriously is not for us to judge since it's supposed to be a personal thing.
Let's not forget this girl can act. Robert Altman cast her in a film and he was a smart enough director not to just cast her as a stunt. So far it is her best role to date where she plays a teenager obsessed with death. You could probably tell Altman sensed a brooding edginess to Lohan for him to pick her for that part. She held her own against Meryl Streep and Lily Tomlin, and one hopes that another great director can pick up where Altman left off and put Lohan in a role that could change the way people look on her.
I can't help but feel sorry for Lindsay Lohan, I hope she puts herself together and I hope she puts the pressure of the business of show in the back of her mind. As for Showbiz Tonight and Nancy Grace and TMZ.com who are showing off Lindsay as some kind of monster I suggest you watch "A Prairie Home Companion" and look at the young talent you are helping destroy. Stop pretending to be trying to help her and find your dignity.
Right on brother!
I wrote about this very subject and share the same sympathy for Lohan. She's troubled, but she's talented.
Thanks for being another lonely voice in defense of La Lohan.
Preach it sister!
I read your article plus I'm a big fan of sunsetgun. Thanks for the comment.
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