Monday 8 October 2007

The star rating

I've decided to steal an idea from my friend Matt's blog and well every other film critic and decide to add a star rating to all the films I've reviewed. So I'm going to attempt to rate every movie I have reviewed this year so far starting from my last film "In the Valley of Elah", then starting as of now have star ratings at the end of all my reviews. In the tradition of Roger Ebert I will set my highest rating to 4 stars so if I remember correctly here are all the films I've seen this year and reviewed on.

"In the Valley of Elah" 3.5 stars

"La Vie En Rose" 4 Stars

"The Kingdom" 2 stars

"Feast of Love" 1 star

"Zoo" 3 stars

"Becoming Jane" 2.5 stars

"Eastern Promises" 4 stars

"Waitress" 4 stars

"Away from Her" 4 stars

"Shoot Em Up" 3.5 stars

"3:10 To Yuma" 4 stars

"Rescue Dawn" 4 stars

"Halloween" 3 stars

"Knocked Up" 4 stars

" Superbad" 3.5 stars

" The Simpsons Movie" 4 Stars

" I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry" 1 star

" Hairspray" 4 stars

" Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" 3 stars

" Transformers" 3 stars

" Die Hard 4" 2.5 stars

" Ratatoullie" 4 stars

" Ocean's 13" 3 stars

"Surf's Up" 3 stars

"Lucky You" 3 stars

" Pirates of the Carribean" 3 stars

" Spiderman 3" 2.5 stars

" Shrek the Third" 1 star

" Grindhouse" 3.5 stars

" Hot Fuzz" 4 stars

" Fractured" 2 stars

" Disturbia" 3 stars

" Zodiac" 4 stars

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