Dear Santa, I don't know if you read this blog or not, but I'm sure you're a big movie fan since you only work one day of the year giving you lots of time to watch movies, I know if I had your job that's what I would do. You're probably checking your list twice by now, and since I would be in the "R" category, you probably haven't gotten to my name yet. Just to remind you I've been extra good this year bringing lots of Christmas cheer to my loved ones, not to mention Christmas cheer to people who don't really deserve it, I'm just that nice. I'm not even going to mention the past few Christmases where I haven't gotten anything from you, even though we both know it was unfair. I'm willing to wipe the slate clean if you are and start anew. So the following are some movies and movie related things I hope to find under my tree this year.
1. "Double Lives, Second Chances: The Cinema of Krzystof Kieslowski" By Annette Insdorf: I love the films of Kieslowski and this would just be a great companion piece to his films so if you could find some room in your bag that would be great, only $19.00 at amazon!
2. "Eraserhead" or "The Elephant Man": Can you believe it? I'm a huge David Lynch fan but I do not have these two movies in my own personal collection! It's a crime but with your help Santa, it may no longer be the case. I can picture you being a huge David Lynch fan yourself.
3. "Up": Probably my favorite Pixar movie Santa. I'm sure this is on high demand from all your kiddies' list. I mean didn't your eyes well up too after that unbelievable silent portion of the film?
4.Movie passes: Movie prices are insane these days Santa! I mean if you could I would just say drop the prices to movies to when I was a kid. I remember going to a movie for Six bucks...six bucks Santa!!!! I mean come on!
5. Inglorious Basterds: What better way to celebrate Christmas than a bloody revenge World War 2 film about a bunch of Nazi hating Jews who kick serious ass?
6. That this years Oscars don't suck: Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin are hosting which gives me hope, but seriously do we need 10 nominees for best picture Santa? I'm sure you even rolled your eyes when you heard that announcement. The fact that there are more nominees makes me think it'll be an extra long broadcast. Please, please Santa don't make it so.
7. That the remaining films of Japanese master Yasujiro Ozu will be released sometime this year.: I don't think I have add much to this request. I have all of the Ozu films currently available, but even that's only about a third of his full body of work. Maybe you can just snap your fingers or something and make them all just appear at my closest movie store.
Anyway, that's about it Santa, in closing I would like to quote from a certain Charlie Brown character who also sent you a letter. "If this seems too complicated for you, then make it easy on yourself, just send money."
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