1. The Decalogue (1989) Directed By Krzyzstof Kieslowski

2. My Dinner With Andre (1981): Directed By Louis Malle

3. E.T. The Extraterrestrial (1982): Directed By Steven Spielberg

4. Do The Right Thing (1989): Directed By Spike Lee

5. Raging Bull (1980): Directed By Martin Scorsese

6. Hannah and Her Sisters (1986): Directed By Woody Allen

7. Raising Arizona (1987): Directed By Joel and Ethan Coen

8. Stranger Than Paradise (1984): Directed By Jim Jarmusch

9. Kagemusha (1980): Directed By Akira Kurosawa

10. Once Upon a Time in America (1984): Directed By Sergio Leone
Blogger's Note: Once again I'm cheating on my own list if you notice my number one pick which is actually ten short films put together. This might be a tad unfair to the other films, but I just could not ignore "The Decalogue" as a monumental acheivment in filmmaking, not to mention one of the most moving film experiences I've ever had.
We diverge with the '80s, just 2 in common, mostly because my choices lean toward the commercial...
My Top Ten 1980s:
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. Aliens
3. Blue Velvet
4. Back to the Future
5. Tootsie
6. Die Hard
7. Hannah and Her Sisters
8. The World According to Garp
9. Raising Arizona
10. Arthur
Of your ten I haven't seen three: The Decalogue, Stranger Than Paradise, and (hate to admit) Kagemusha. RAN was in the running for my list and would easily be my top 20 of the '80s.
BTW: Just caught The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance-- terrific movie!
Of your list I haven't seen "The World According to Garp" a film I've always meant to see. Glad you liked "Liberty Valance"
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