Sunday, 5 October 2008

Alfred Hitchcock on Dick Cavett

Here's part of an interview Alfred Hitchcock had with Dick Cavett. Here the master shows off his black humour where he talks about how slipping on a banana peel is very tragic. He also talks about what he likes most about creating a film, and a particular scene from "Foreign Correspondent" which is a film I just viewed again, I consider it to be one of Hitchcock's most underrated and entertaining films, right up there with "North by Northwest". He finishes off with talking about the famous shower scene in "Psycho".

1 comment:

Oneliner said...

I've heard/read Hitchcock talk about the PSYCHO shower scene a million times, but don't recall him ever saying that the property people made him a blood-filled torso that he didn't use-- interesting. The plane sequence in FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT is jaw-droppingly brilliant-- I still can't believe how obscure that sequence is! It's never clipped or talked about. That shot alone makes the film worthwhile. BTW, a good trivia question is in what year did Hitchcock have two films he directed up for the Oscar for Best Picture-- its 1940 (FORR CORR and REBECCA).