So the major facelift that "At The Movies" pretty much changed from the "Ebert and Roeper" format was instead of having intelligent well-schooled critics talking about movies, we have a dumbed down version of that. I suppose the reasons for me not liking the "Two Bens" is their arbitrary reasons for not liking or liking the movies on their show. They're the kind of guys who might hate a drama for being too slow, or a foreign film for being too foreign. (Have they even reviewed a foreign film yet?) The show seems to pander to those who go to the movies for a cheap thrill.
After just reading two books from Francois Truffaut, and just starting a book by Pauline Kael, I've come to realize there is an artform to film criticism. These were books by people who were passionate about film and what each had to say. Lyons and Mankiewicz are too preoccupied with the sound bite, and I doubt they would have the skill to fend off any real critic such as Michael Phillips or A.O.Scott who were filling in for Roger Ebert.
Now this is not to say I don't like these two guys, for the record I'm enjoy Mankiewicz as a host on Turner Classic Movies, he's a nice contrast to the classical but stuffed shirt of Robert Osborne, and Ben Lyons, well I admire his hair style quite a bit. "Ebert and Roeper" and before that "Siskel and Ebert" stood for excellence in film and didn't dumb it down for the audience. They were intelligent, articulate and passionate which is why you tuned in. Their show was a simple one about the movies and I enjoyed it. If I wanted a bunch of talking heads with quick discussion points and no real insite (ala "THE CRITIC ROUND-UP") I would turn to CNN thank you very much.
It is rare that there is a consensus among critics, but I just cannot find anybody who likes this guy. It really is a shame what has happened to such a great show.
Now that it's been a couple months I think I've put my finger on it. It's TOO damn L.A.! It's all about namedropping and proclaimations about either Ben's knowledge of the industry. It's still useful for the clips and at least the Bens reviewing has been consistent... But the TONE is killing me. It's like when I first came to L.A. and wondered why the news sounded like Entertainment Tonight. So it's fine as an L.A.-type review show, but it's no longer the same show that it was. Siskel and Ebert are missed!
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