Sunday, 6 July 2008

Here's a little movie survey



'IF YOU WERE A TCM GUEST PROGRAMMER, WHAT THREE FILMS WOULD YOU CHOOSE: I would have to go with a Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers movie so then I would pick "Top Hat" or "Swing Time", then I would need a Frank Capra film like "Lost Horizon", and I would need an Ozu film so then I would pick "Tokyo Story"

'FAVORITE MOVIE ENDING: That's a hard one, the obvious one would be "City Lights" but I'll go with a movie I just recently watched which is "Once Upon a Time in America", it's brilliant in that it tells you nothing but everything.

'WHAT MOVIE ARE YOU ASHAMED TO SAY YOU HAVEN'T SEEN, AND WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE: I'm ashamed I have not seen half of the Godard films I should have by now like "Alphaville" or "Contempt" also Kurosawa's "Ikiru"

'PICK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING FOUR MOVIES AND WRITE TWO SENTENCES ABOUT IT:/ Only Angels Have Wings/Angels in America/Angel Heart/Date with an Angel: Only Angels Have Wings is pure perfection. Cary Grant, Jean Arthur, Rita Hayworth, and the great Thomas Mitchell need I say more?

WHO WOULD YOU AWARD AN HONORARY BEST ACTOR/ACTRESS OSCAR TO: Probably to Anthony Perkins for "Psycho", it's sweet, and creepy, and entertaining each time I think of it, I have to remind myself how really brilliant it was.

'LAST TIME YOU WERE AT A DRIVE-IN, WHAT DID YOU SEE: I was only 12 years old and it was the fifth time I saw "Jurassic Park" playing with "The Flintstones", then they tore the Drive-In down.

'FILM ERA OR GENRE YOU'RE A LITTLE OBSESSED WITH:I'm a little obsessed with Japanese cinema right now and I'm in love with any type of film era ever.

'FILM CRITIC YOU TRUST THE MOST: 'I would say Roger Ebert or Jim Emerson they both write so well yet their tastes differ very much, I usually end up liking anything they recommend

.'FAVORITE BOOK ON THE SUBJECT OF FILM: Donald Richie's OZU which describes the man's work in great detail from the screenwriting to the editing. It opened up a new wayto look at movies.

'DESCRIBE THE FREQUENCY OF YOUR FILM INTAKE: 'I try to watch a movie a day whether at a theatre or at home, to me it's like reading a book. Now with DVD I watch the film then watch the special features so I can try to understand more of the filmmaking process, if there is audio commentary by a film critic or expert on the film I also watch that.

'THREE THINGS YOU'VE LEARNED FROM WATCHING MOVIES: 1. When you're in a cave full of booby traps stay out of the light. 2. If someone says Forgettaboutit they are with the mafia 3. Groucho Marx is the funniest man who ever lived.


Oneliner said...


EARLIEST MOVIE MEMORY: THE RESCUERS. Yes this makes me 30-something! And reminds me that I regret not having seen THE RESCUERS DOWN UNDER in 1990— would have been cool to have seen them both. Definitely saw the original STAR WARS too— lucky me.

DVD YOU BOUGHT: THE BIG SLEEP. It had the pre-release version and the regular version; I bought it even before I had a DVD player! Almost everyone I know bought THE MATRIX as their first DVD.

TCM GUEST PROGRAMMER FILMS: I'd go with two movies they never play— like the Marie Dressler films they have coming up on 8/4 and then I'd go with one I love that's not super famous, like SUMMERTIME.

FAVORITE MOVIE ENDING: Omigosh I want to do a whole blog entry on this! The first one that came to mind: NOTORIOUS.

MOVIE ASHAMED YOU HAVEN'T SEEN: May I quote you Jeremy? "I'm ashamed I have not seen half of the Godard films I should have by now like "Alphaville" or "Contempt" also Kurosawa's "Ikiru""

TWO SENTENCES ABOUT ONLY ANGELS HAVE WINGS: In a year like 1939 you'd think there couldn't be any more classics: then there's ONLY ANGELS HAVE WINGS. Hawks said it best: "The reason why stars are good, they walk in through a door and they think, 'Everybody wants to lay me.'"


LAST TIME YOU WERE IN A DRIVE-IN: Nobody believes me: never.

FILM ERA/GENRE OBSESSED WITH: I pride myself on spreading my film interests. However, everyone I know would say silent films.

FAVORITE FILM BOOK: Well the annual Leonard Maltin Guide would be #1, then Ephraim Katz's brilliant FILM ENCYCLOPEDIA (the first edition, which was flawless: a one-volume film course), then Erik Barnouw's DOCUMENTARY.

FREQUENCY OF FILM INTAKE: 65 contemporary films theatrically a year; about 50 haven't-yet-seen classics a year and about 150 repeat viewings of movies I love on DVD annually.

THREE THINGS LEARNED FROM THE MOVIES: 1.) I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. 2.) I don't want to move to a city where the only cultural advantage is being able to make a right turn on a red light. [And yet I've been there for 11 years now!] 3. The problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.


Oneliner said...

OK Jeremy, the last time you abandoned your blog this long you had to title your new blog entry "Rumors of my Death have been Greatly Exaggerated"! Let's talk Dark Knight! Ledger has that Oscar in the bag, huh?