I must admit I have not been paying attention to my blog lately. Other things have been on my mind, I've gotten a part in another play which opens next week, but that hasn't stopped me from going to my local multiplex on several occasions to see the latest films coming out. I must say I am very pleased with this stock of summer movies, most of them are quite unique and original which is a nice change of pace from last years sequel fest. There really hasn't been one film that I have truly detested, it's only that some were better than others.
The sad news up here is one of our local movie houses closed to make way for our new ten screen multiplex. It was sad because this little theatre was starting to show smaller arthouse films, it was because of this theatre I was able to see films like "In Bruges", "Shine a Light" and "Fugitive Pieces" all of which were some of the best films I've seen all year. For every "Dark Knight" movie I wish I could balance that with something a tad smaller and intimate. There's only one more month of summer left which still promises to be exciting with "Pineapple Express" and "Tropic Thunder" which are arguably the two most anticipated comedies of the year, plus that old war horse Kevin Costner is back (He just keeps on swinging and I love him for that) with "Swing Vote" which looks like a nice change of pace from the more youth oriented summer flicks.
Plus my Truffaut tribute has suffered another setback. I've actually started writing two pieces on him and the New Wave Cinema which I hope to have done for August, so stay tuned, I'm glad those of you who read my blogs have stayed loyal, I'll try not to disappoint.
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