Sunday 30 May 2010

R.I.P. Dennis Hopper

Dennis Hopper was a true original, a radical Maverick with a capital "M". He could be quiet and brooding, or over the top and down right weird, but he was always interesting.

Hopper was a direct link between new and old Hollywood, having small parts in some pretty classic films of the 50s like "Rebel Without a Cause" and "Giant", both with James Dean.

In that magical year of 1969, Hopper helped ring in a new era of cinema with his youthful "Easy Rider" which crashed the Cannes party that year.

In later years he was Marlon Brando's wacked out disciple in "Apocalypse Now", Gene Hackman's drunk but loyal assistant coach in "Hoosiers" (His only Oscar Nomination), and of course Frank Booth in David Lynch's "Blue Velvet".

By the time the 90s came around, Hopper was the go-to villain in blockbusters such as "Waterworld" and "Speed". He balanced that with edgy indie movies like "Red Rock West", and "True Romance".

Hopper always was a powerhouse, even when he was reduced to appear in shit, he often made in more appealing. let's not forget his accomplishments as a director, choosing tough projects that no one else would do or would ever do.

Hopper was an individual and a hell of an artist, he will be missed.

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