Sunday 23 March 2008

Rumours of my Death have been Greatly Exaggerated

Happy Easter Everybody!!!

I take this time to say that I am not dead, I have simply been in blogging hibernation. I do hope to be back blogging regularly in a few days, I have so much to catch up on. I haven't even seen any of the new movies that have come out recently. I've been rather busy with my play, we opened three days ago and are having a rather successful run. Once again I invite you guys who live near by to come and see it, it's quite the crowd pleaser.

My Month of Billy Wilder will probably be held over to next month to give the great director the respect he deserves. It's hard to believe it's already been a month since "No Country for Old Men" walked off with the oscar, I got my copy the day it was released on DVD, but I haven't even had time to watch it or any of the other movies I've gotten since either. Today is my breather. I hope you are all good, I accidentally erased my all my favorite link pages so don't fret I will repost them soon!!!

I hope all you movie fans are doing well, and sure hope to be back in the blogging circuit with you soon. See ya!!!

1 comment:

Oneliner said...

Looking forward to your "Wilder" thoughts...