Monday, 6 February 2012


It's that time again. As per usual, February is the time to celebrate the best in film according to the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, but to be fair, they've kinda missed the mark on a number of occasions. At the same time, this is also when we here over at Jeremy and the Movies celebrates what Jeremy (That's me) thinks the best in film are.

On most occasions, I'd say I differ with the Academy, but that mostly has to do with their sheer lack of imagination and narrow minded views of what the best in film is. I'm usually shocked and appalled when I hear the nominees, however I am delighted to see a few surprises. This year in particular I was glad to see the inclusion of some films (Yay "Midnight in Paris") but baffled by others (You couldn't drag me to see "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close").

But really it's all in good fun, we all have our own views of what we think the best movies are, and this is just a chance for me to share mine with you. I also like to think I highlight some films that don't usually get the kind of press mainstream movies do. And heck if my writing about them gets you intrigued to watch them, then that's all the better.

I usually think some of the best films I've ever seen were the ones I took a chance on. Just in the past few years, I could count foreign films like "Summer Hours" and indie movies like "Shotgun Stories" to be the best recent movies I've ever seen. This year is no different. There have been some unique and surprising Hollywood movies that I was immensely entertained by, but also some smaller films that were brought to my attention by other critics who I admire and trust.

Before Oscar night, I will reveal my top ten list, one I am still trying to compile. I might also focus on a favorite performance, or favorite moments from the past year. I also like to give a special Jury Prize award to a unique film that deserves a special mention.

So I hope you join me this month for some fun as we give a fond final farewell to 2011. And if I don't talk about your particular favorite film/performance/moment, don't take it personally, but I hope you let me know what it is.

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