I was surprised and delighted to learn yesterday of the inclusion of two cinematic icons will be presented with the Oscar's Lifetime Achievement Awards. The first is Eli Wallach, one of the best character actors around. He made a career of never stopping to work, Even in his 90s, he's still going strong. Roman Polanski cast him in his "Ghost Writer" earlier this year, it's one scene, but one of the most memorable in the film. Certainly he deserved at least a nomination or even the Oscar for his performance as Tuco in "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly", stealing scenes from Clint Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef.
Perhaps the most shocking announcement came when the Academy announced they were going to present master of the New Wave Jean-Luc Godard with an award this year. Being just a recent convert to Godard's work, I was tickled pink to hear the news, however I started think of the actual reality of Godard showing up at the event.
Godard has been in seclusion for quite sometime, even missing his press conference at Cannes for his latest film "Socialism" which premiered this year; Godard himself has been known to be critical of Hollywood as a whole throughout his career.
Still part of me hopes that the Godard who caused a ruckus in the 60s with his partner in crime Francois Truffaut particularly when the two of them shut down Cannes. It would be great to see that happen at the Oscars (even though this event like last year's will not be televised.) I'm hoping Godard will raise the stakes and perhaps provoke thought at the Oscars this year, but I'm guessing he will stay away from it all. Despite all that, it's nice to see the Academy recognizing such a radical outsider and innovator to the party, here's hoping the Oscars themselves will be full of as many deserving members as these gentlemen.
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