Tuesday, 23 March 2010

The Best Film of 2010 So Far

It doesn't really matter how long a film is, any length can be great. Look at Bunel's short "Un Chien Andalou", or Chuck Jones' "The Rabbit of Seville". The above film entitled "Plastic Bag" is 18 minutes long but it's a great film, I'm pretty sure it's the best piece of film I've seen all year up to now.

It follows the life of a plastic bag (narrated by legendary filmmaker Werner Herzog in his usual unique style). We watch the bag as it goes from a grocery store, to a woman's home, until it is discarded and is left to wonder the world.

The film becomes a rather touching poem, surprisingly considering it's about a plastic bag. The director is Ramin Bahrani, the man behind some of the best indie films being made, including one of my favorites from last year "Goodbye Solo".

Watch "Plastic Bag", you won't be disappointed.

Warning, the above video is partly cut off. "Plastic Bag" is far too special a film to be seen in half. Please search for it at Youtube.com to watch it in its full picture.

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