1. It's a Wonderful Life: 1946 (Directed By Frank Capra)

2. Casablanca: 1943 (Directed By Michael Curtiz)

3. Citizen Kane: 1941 (Directed By Orson Welles)

4. Late Spring: 1949 (Directed By Yasujiro Ozu)

5. Notorious: 1946 (Directed By Alfred Hitchcock)

6. The Shop Around the Corner: 1940 (Directed By Ernst Lubitsch)

7. Double Indemnity: 1944 (Directed By Billy Wilder)

8. Sullivan's Travels: 1941 (Directed By Preston Sturges)

9. Ball of Fire: 1941 (Directed By Howard Hawks)

10. The Bicycle Thieves: 1948(Directed By Vittorio De Sica)
As per usual, I'd love to hear any objections or thoughts about my list, please let me know.
One through Seven, I couldn't agree more. I might rearrange the order slightly, but generally I think you captured the best of the 40's.
But, I think your 8 and 9 shouldn't even be on the list. Especially with obvious omissions like "The Third Man" and "The Maltese Falcon".
I can't argue with "The Bicycle Thieves", though a top ten list missing other classics such as "The Philidelphia Story" or "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" or even "Pinocchio" seems hard to swallow, but I guess you have to choose a Top 10.
Very interesting. Looking forward to the 50's.
This is what I find so frustrating about these early periods, where there are so many to choose from particularily in the 30s and 40s. "Pinnochio" would probably been my number 11, I struggled with it as it is what I think Disney's best film. All the above films you mentioned are all deserving, but as you said you have to pick a top ten.
For some reason the 40s was IMPOSSIBLE to cut down to just ten, but for the sake of the "game" I did it. I've seen 9/10 of your choices (haven't seen LATE SPRING). Although we only had 4 films in common Your list could have easily been mine... and that other guy mentioned PHILADELPHIA STORY and I thought, wow, that TOO could have been on my list. I have at least eight honorable mentions! On this list I did have just one film per director.
My Top Ten of the 1940s:
1. Citizen Kane
2. Casablanca
3. It's a Wonderful Life
4. The Bicycle Thief
5. The Third Man
6. The Maltese Falcon
7. Brief Encounter
8. The Best Years of Our Lives
9. The Grapes of Wrath
10. Bambi
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