Changeling: Clint Eastwood has the ability to make films that trim the fat. He can strip the story and the characters to the bare minimum which is why it's such a joy to see his films. "Changeling" seems to follow this Eastwood formula for the first two/thirds of the film, and I would say it was the most engrossing two/thirds I had at the movies in a long time, however for some reason, the film derails and Eastwood becomes sidetracked with over explanation and too many false endings. Despite all that, "Changeling" remains a mostly intriguing story told by a master filmmaker along with the best performance I've seen from Angelina Jolie. 3.5 stars out of 4
Rocknrolla: Going into this film it occurred to me I had never seen a Guy Richie film, and I wasn't sure what to expect. The film is an adrenaline rush full of some clever and funny moments and energy that is missing in recent crime stories. I can't really explain the plot all that much, needless to say it's full of multiple storylines that at some point intersect and all seem to revolve around a stolen painting that keeps falling into other people's hands. It's a fun mindless ride full of fun performances. 3 stars out of 4
The Duchess: The film gained some controversy by comparing the Duchess of Devon shire's predicament to Princess Diana. The film may do that but it never once becomes distracting, and I didn't really think "Hey that's like Princess Diana" while watching it. The film doesn't rise above the melodramatic soap opera to become something more meaningful, however it is never boring and benefits from fine performances from Keira Knightley and Ralph Feinnes. 3 stars out of 4
High School Musical 3: Don't ask! Some how and some way I found myself in the theatre watching this. Needless to say I was with someone who wanted to see it. While I may not be the target audience I felt like anyone deserves better than this carbon copy of kiddy entertainment. The characters are all stereotypes, the music is unmemorable, and the film never seems to be anything more than a Saturday morning Disney special. The only time this film attempts to be anything more is when Zach Efron does a sort of Fred Astaire homage by dancing on the ceiling, but they botch it but not making the most of it. For shame Disney, do your kids a favor and pop in a real musical like "Mary Poppins". 1 star out of 4
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