Saturday, 8 March 2008

Movies as a Comfort food

So today basically was a sucky day for the most part. The only part of it that did not remain sucky was when I was on stage rehearsing for my play, at least for the moment I was caught up in a fantasy world where I was playing the guy that gets the girl and I'm getting paid to do it. But of course reality sinks in soon after and the day you are having remains sucky.

But thankfully movies come to the rescue. I haven't been able to sit down and watch one of my favorites in a long time. Tonight in honor of my sucky day I am watching "Late Spring" which may seem like a weird film to put me in a good mood, but it does. It's about a father who must let go of her daughter to marriage, and it's heartbreaking, but what makes me feel good about the film is the characters are so real and I love them, it's like hanging out with people you just really enjoy.

There is probably a movie for every occasion depending on what kind of a day I'm having, but today is definitely an Ozu day, so bring on "Late Spring".

What are some of your movies you like to watch when your day sucks?

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