This category is pretty much cut and dry, it would be just plain stupid not to vote for Daniel Day Lewis, he seems to be the shoe-in for sure. I don't doubt that his performance in "There Will Be Blood" was probably my favorite thing in the whole movie, however I never really felt anything for Daniel Plainview.
In my opinion the best male performance this year belonged to Christian Bale for "Rescue Dawn" but he was sadly absent on the ballot.
As for the other 4 males, I think they all brought something to the table that warrented a nomination. Johnny Depp has perhaps made his darkest creation yet with "Sweeney Todd", I was astounded at how unlikable and villainous he came to be. George Clooney again shows why he is perhaps the world's smartest movie star by picking another intelligent complex role that most stars steer clear from, it's a very Clooney role but no one does it better than him. My pick almost went to Tommy Lee Jones and no one was happier than I to see him get nominated for a role that I was afraid passed a lot of people by.
But I decided to go with Mortenson's performance as the cool calculated driver to the Russian mafia. It's a challenging role and Mortenson seems to be walking a very thin tightrope all the way through. We are never sure the motives of this man through the movie, he remains at a distance but we are intrigued with him and what will become with him. Mortenson's presence helps tell a story which has many twists and turns and he keeps us guessing as to what his next move will be, it's not as flashy or out there as Daniel Plainview, but it's just as effective perhaps even more. Plus he fights in the nude and that takes guts to let everything just hang out.
Polls Pick: (Tie: Daniel Day Lewis, Johnny Depp, Viggo Mortenson)
Jeremy's Pick: Viggo Mortenson
Jeremy's Prediction: Daniel Day Lewis
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