Wednesday, 24 October 2007

New on DVD

I don't usually talk DVD's in this blog but maybe I should. I couldn't help but notice that this week has some prime stuff for the movie buff. First there is a new box set of films by Stanley Kubrick. The box set includes films that were released a few years ago but this time they are all special editions. The films here include "2001: A Space Odyssey", "A Clockwork Orange", "The Shining", "Full Metal Jacket", "Eyes Wide Shut" and the documentary of Stanley Kubrick "A Life in Pictures". All of these films are classics in their own right and I particularly think "2001" is probably on the short list for the greatest films ever made.

But that's not all this week folks, for you French New Wave fans out there, a new definitive version of Jean-Luc Godard's influential film "Breathless" also comes out by those folks from Criterion.

And if that weren't enough, Kino is presenting a newly restored version of Eisenstein's silent classic "Battleship Potemkin". Can you imagine, are you sure it's October cause it certainly feels like Christmas here to me.

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