1) Favorite Biopic
Lawrence of Arabia
2) Dyan Cannon or Tuesday Weld?
Tuesday Weld
3) Best example of science fiction futurism rendered silly by the event of time catching up to the prediction
"2001: A Space Odyssey". We are totally not near Jupiter yet.
4) Annette Funicello & Frankie Avalon or Troy Donahue & Sandra Dee?
Annette and Frankie
5) Favorite Raoul Walsh movie?
White Heat
6) Sophomore film which represents greatest improvement over the director’s debut
P.T. Anderson from "Hard Eight" to "Boogie Nights"
7) Ice Cube or Mos Def?
Mos Def
8) Favorite movie about the music industry
"Almost Famous"
9) Favorite Looney Tunes short (provide link if possible)
Pretty much any of the three from the "Rabbit Season" trilogy.
10) Director most deserving of respect or upwardly mobile critical reassessment
Joe Dante
11) Ruth Gordon or Margaret Hamilton?
I love both of these women, but Ruth Gordon takes the cake for "Rosemary's Baby" and "Harold and Maude".
12) Best filmed adaptation of a play
"A Streetcar Named Desire" probably.
13) Buddy Ebsen or Edgar Buchanan?
I like Buddy Ebsen but I can't say I've seen much of Edgar Buchanan so I would have to say no comment.
14) Favorite Jean Renoir movie?
"Rules of the Game"
15) Favorite one-word movie title, and why
"Once" it's as powerfully simple and straight forward as the movie itself.
16) Ernest Thesiger or Basil Rathbone?
I would have to go with Ernest Thesiger for being "Dr. Pretorious" from "Bride of Frankenstein".
17) Summer movies—your highest and lowest expectations
Highest-New Woody Allen film
Lowest-The fact that my city will not be getting the new Woody Allen film
18) Whether or not you’re a parent, what would be your ideal pick as first movie to see with your own child (or niece/nephew)? Why?
Charlie Chaplin in either "City Lights", "The Kid", "The Gold Rush", "The Circus", or "Modern Times". I always thought Chaplin was the perfect character to show to children. He's childlike himself, he's a comic hero, his humour reaches everyone of all ages. The fact that he's from the silent era also makes him perfect to introduce your child to the film language.
19) L.Q. Jones or Strother Martin
I just looked up L.Q. Jones on IMDB and nothing came up, and since I've never heard of the name I would have to go with Strother Martin.
20) Movie most recently seen in theaters? On DVD/Blu-ray?
Theatres-"The International" DVD-"Destry Rides Again"
21) Do you see more movies theatrically or at home? Why?
At home since I have an extensive movie collection. Plus if I wanted to I could watch films with audio commentary and special features, you just get more for your buck!
22) Name an award-worthy comic performance that was completely ignored by Oscar and his pals.
Just one? Steve Martin in "All of Me"
23) Zac Efron & Vanessa Hudgens or Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
I'd have to go with Pattinson and Stewart, since they look to have the most potential to go beyond they're superstar roles.
24) Name a great (or merely very good) movie that is too painful to watch a second time (Thanks to The Onion A.V. Club)
So far I have only been able to watch "Sansho the Baliff" once.
25) Beyonce Knowles or Jennifer Hudson?
Jennifer Hudson
26) Favorite Robert Mitchum movie?
I'm sorry I cannot just pick one, there must be a tie between "Out of the Past" and "Night of the Hunter".
27) Favorite movie featuring a ‘60s musical group that is not either the Beatles or the Monkees
Does "Woodstock" count?
28) Maria Ouspenskaya or Una O’Connor?
I can't say Maria Ouspenskaya stuck out for me, but again Una O'Connor was in "Bride of Frankenstein" and that's awesome to me.
29) Favorite Vincent Price movie?
"Laura" although that's not really his movie, so in that case I'll say "The Fly"
30) Name a movie currently flying under the radar that is deserving of rabid cult status."In Bruges"
31) Irene Ryan or Lucille Benson (or Bea Benaderet)?
Can't say I have an opinion on them.
32) Single line from a movie that never fails to make your laugh or otherwise cheer you up. (This may be obvious, but the line does not have to come from a comedy.)
Groucho in "Horse Feathers" "I'm the plumber, I'm here in case something goes wrong with her pipes. That's the first time I used that joke in 20 years."
33) Elliot Gould or Donald Sutherland?
Donald Sutherland
34) Best performance by a director in an acting role
I guess Orson Welles in "Citizen Kane" would be too obvious so I'll put some foreign flavour in here and say Francois Truffaut in "Day for Night"
35) Favorite Barbara Stanwyck movie?
Unfair to be able to pick just one, therefore I'll declare a three way tie and say "Double Indemnity", "Ball of Fire", and "The Lady Eve"
36) Outside of reading film criticism or other literature about the movies, what subject do you enjoy reading about or studying which you would say best enriches or illuminates your understanding and appreciation of life, a life that includes the movies? The subject I enjoy reading other than film would be philosophy. It has been a major subject in my life as of late. It's an interesting subject to discuss as you find out everyone has their own personal philosophy, and in that way, that helps me understand and appreciate film more.