In Bruges: Probably my favorite movie I've seen so far this year. While some have compared this to Tarantino's style, I would have to disagree, there's a melancholy that hangs in the air with this film that I think is missed in most of Tarantino's work. You can say that yes these men are hitmen and yes they are funny, but in no way do you envy them or want to trade places with them. What's great about this film is how everyone seems so human even Ralph Feinnes Supposed villain carries a code of honor. 4 Stars
Shine a Light: A concert film with The Rolling Stones by Martin Scorsese seems maybe 20 years too late, but the energy by the band and film maker is still there. Mick Jagger's stage persona fits perfectly with Scorsese's frenzied camera movement, and despite jokes about the band's age, they still put on a pretty good show. My only regret was not being able to see this film on Imax where I think you get the full effect. Still a highly entertaining film, wished they played "Street Fighting Man" though which is my favorite Stones song. 3.5 stars
Forgetting Sarah Marshall: I sometimes don't think I share the kind of humour of all those Judd Apatow followers. Don't get me wrong I have laughed and enjoyed everything they've done, even "Walk Hard" which didn't get the best reception, and I think "Knocked Up" in particular was a riot. "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" falls somewhere near the middle of the pack, the raunchiness didn't impact me as much this time, but as always the biggest asset comes from the characters, and anyone who references the muppets as much as this film should just get my automatic thumbs up. And Extra brownie points as always goes to the Apatow MVP Paul Rudd!!! 3 stars
Stop-Loss: A film with good intentions that is lost in an unfortunate after school special type script. The performances are all strong, but sometimes the message lingers on for too long. On a plus note, it's the first Iraq themed film I've seen that actually tries to make it about the young soldiers and the issues they must face when coming home. Some powerful scenes, but just not enough. 2.5 stars
I'll try to keep up with my movie reviews from here on in especially since summer is sneaking up on us which means this blog will soon be celebrating its 1st anniversary!!! Yay!!!